We are the Teens for Unity, the teenagers of the Focolare Movement present in 182 Countries .
We live in different parts of the world, we speak different languages, we belong to different religions and some of us do not have a religious faith, however we are united by a common goal: working in contributing to build a united world, to bring about universal brotherhood , giving life to actions of peace starting with our own daily life and with our cities. We want to involve in this project many other teenagers worldwide.
What do we believe in?
We believe that only mutual respect between people and peoples can change the world, only unity can heal hatred and conflicts, only brotherhood can help to build a better world together.
Every day we try to live and spread the so-called “Golden Rule” that is present in the main religions and cultures. This rule says "do to others what you would want them to do to you and don't do to others what you would not want them to do to you." We want it to become a reality among all the people in the world.
What do we want?
In every possible way we come up with diverse activities worldwide to break down barriers and divisions so that a united and peaceful world will soon become a reality among all people in the world.