It’s a worldwide initiative! The various groups organizing the event are invited to connect with those participating in another Run4Unity on the same day.
Participants can run, jog, walk, or participate in sports events. Run4Unity events, where possible, will be held in places that are a symbol of peace, at the border between countries or communities in conflict, or in meaningful places to give witness to unity and peace!
The slogan for Run4Unity 2025 is Spark peace.
We follow the blue pathway “Embrace humanity spark change” and the change we want to strive for in these complex times is to live peace, to be builders of peace ourselves.
This is also why we want to particularly emphasize the Time-Out, giving it the necessary space and preparing it carefully.
Watch the first installment of the video made to celebrate 20 years of Run4Unity!
If you are organizing a Run4Unity, add it to the United World Project calendar to see it feature in the world calendar, so that others can participate in your event. Groups organizing an event take responsibility for the logistics.
If you use the Strava app, join the Run4Unity2025 club to log your kilometres:
Give special attention to the Time out moment, preparing the moment of silence and prayer well. It can be an opportunity to listen to testimonies or see some of the videos that we will try to make available.
Propose and make a gesture of peace, reconciliation, inclusion. You can also record a message for children in war-torn countries.
Show your commitment! Draw flags for peace (that is, a drawing that represents peace for you, e.g. hands intertwining) and on the day of the race, run with your flags. You will find other ideas in the inspiration box.
4 May 2025
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